Sunday, September 14, 2008

just another example...

...that we need to be responsible and informed consumers. There's big money in being environmental these days. So, of course, tons of corporations are jumping on the band wagon. Here's a great article on how companies are trying to take advantage of the green market from Time Magazine. The article talks about companies that are greenwashing their products. They use misleading claims to appear environmental. For example, a product can claim that they are "chlorofluorocarbon free." They're in fact just abiding the law that's been in place for years.

In an attempt to rectify the situation, the marketing consultancy EnviroMedia is launching, "a website that allows consumers to post ads that might be examples of greenwashing and rate them on a scale of 1 to 5--1 is a little green lie; 5 is an outright falsehood." It's definitely not the most ideal watch dog for corporations, but I guess it's a start.

Consumer Reports also provides a great tool to find out what all that green jargon REALLY means on their site Greener Choices. Use this site to help you sift through all the environmental products that are out there.

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