Saturday, June 28, 2008

Welcome to Ecopix!

I am a filmmaker and I am environmentally conscious, but I have often felt like these two life choices always seem to be working against each other. Let's face it. We build sets only to tear them down. We buy set and costume design only to stuff them in the backs of our closets. We drive tons of gear and people out to the desert in gas guzzling trucks and vans. Don't even get me started on the issue of bottled water.

So I had to do something, even if it was on a small scale. And, as an independent filmmaker who can barely make her rent each month, I’m pretty familiar with doing things on a small scale.

Ecopix is a blog aimed at student and independent filmmakers as a resource on how to be a greener and more earth-friendly production. Major studios have started to do their part, such as committing to being carbon neutral. But, as we all know, independent filmmakers hardly have the money to spare to offset their carbon consumption. So I have a few ideas and hope to provide information and resources on how to make your production greener. And, of course, your input will be invaluable. Tell me if my ideas suck or seem completely implausible, but only if you know how to make them better. The point is that if we’re all doing something small, all those small things will add up and we can be proud of being this strange anomaly: green filmmakers.


Anonymous said...

Nice website... Good luck

ab said...

you're beautiful.

have you heard of check it out. i think you'll dig it.
