Not that I've been very avid with my posts these days. But a few days ago I was sent an
article claiming that doing 2 google searches is equivalent to boiling a kettle. According to a research institute the IT industry's global CO2 emissions now exceeds that of the aviation industry. Google of course responded with an
article of their own stating that their energy efficient data centers only generate 0.2 grams of CO2 as opposed to the 7 grams that the Telegraph article claims. According to them, "That's a lot of kettles of tea." Now every time I google Whitney Port or Lauren Conrad, I'll definitely think twice about how important it is for me to know the latest info. :-)
Or I could start using
blackle. According to
Heap Media, a black google home page could save 750-megawatts a year.
*Image is from www.modernlifeisrubbish.co.uk